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Family Fitness: 15-Minute Workout

Use this Wii-inspired exercise program to get everyone moving.
Published on January 14, 2021

If American families are short on anything, it’s time. In order to fit in exercise, Jessica Smith, host of the 10 Minute Solution game for Wii, suggests mixing fitness with family time. “It can be as simple as getting off the couch and all heading outside to toss around a football during the halftime show or powering up the Wii after dinner,” she says.

Inspired by exercise gaming programs, Smith designed a workout routine meant to get the whole family moving for at least 15 minutes every day. Perform each move as quickly as possible for one minute, take a 30-second break and go on to the next one. Try turning on some upbeat music to pump up everyone’s motivation.

Warm Up

March in place for 30 seconds. Stop marching and reach arms toward the ceiling, making yourself as tall as possible. Lean forward from your hips and tap your fingers to your knees, shins and toes. Repeat 5 times.

Mud Crawl

Get down into the plank position: legs straight out behind you, toes curled under and your upper-body weight resting on your forearms. Move forward slowly, alternating between right and left elbows.

Jumping Jacks

Begin by performing basic jumping jacks. Then travel your jacks forward, backward and side-to-side. Have one family member call out the direction and see how quickly everyone can change directions.

5-Dot Drill

Stand with feet together. Imagine you are on a center dot on the floor. There are 2 dots (about hip-width apart) in front of you and 2 behind you. Jump forward, landing with a foot on each dot and then hop back to the center, bringing feet together. Jump backward, separating the feet to land on each dot. Return again to the center.

Squat Hops

With feet hip-width apart, squat down until thighs are parallel with the floor. Jump straight up, reaching your arms to the sky. Land back in a squatting position. Repeat.


With feet hip-width apart, bend your knees and lean forward until your hands are flat on the floor. Walk hands out until you are in push-up position and then walk feet toward hands. Continue “inching” around the room by alternating hands and feet.

High Steps

Jog in place, lifting your knees as high as you can.

Front Kicks

Begin by standing with hands on hips and feet shoulder-width apart. Bring right knee up and extend leg forward into a front kick. Repeat with left leg. Continue to alternate slowly. Keep feet flexed and avoid kicking too high.

Full Sit-Ups

Lie on your back, with knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Bring your hands behind your head and cradle your neck. Sit up as far as you can, but avoid straining. Beginners may want to have someone hold their feet.

Power Push-Ups

Do a push-up and stand up quickly. Lower back down and repeat.

Side Shuffles

Get into a squat. Shuffle to the right end of your space and then shuffle back to the left. Continue to go back and forth.

Cool Down

Stand, reaching right arm overhead, and lean to the left for a side stretch. Hold for 10 seconds. Reverse. Clasp hands behind you and lift chest up. Hold for 10 seconds. Take a deep breath and reach hands to the sky, then exhale and shake everything out.